Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Diapers Review

I've been using Pampers Swaddler Sesitive for my 3 month old daughter, Haylynn. It had been looked okay up to size 2. However, ever since she moved up to size 3 (she's 18lb now), diaper rashes getting worse and worse. So I've tried out almost every kinds of diapers to find the finest diaper for her and decided to write a review of all diapers I've been using based on my experience on my daughter. For size 3, except generic brands such as target 'up and' up and costco 'kirkland', I am currently using, Huggies pure and natural, Huggies little movers, Huggies overnites, Pampers swaddler sensitive, Pampers baby dry, Seventh Generation, Nature Babycare, and luvs.

Huggies Overnites(UL) Nature Babycare(UM) Huggies Little Movers(UR)
Pampers Swaddler Sensitive(LL) Pampers Baby Dry
(LM) Luvs(LR)

Huggies Pure and Natural (L) Seventh Generation(R)

1. Huggies Overnites I love it!! There was no leakage or blowout during the whole night. It was totally dry after 9 to 12 hours.

Absorbency: Great
Leakage: None
Design: Okay
Price: $0.34

2. Nature Babycare Another diaper that I love the most. This is good for over night. I usually use this one when we go out.

Absorbency: Great
Leakage: None
Design: hmm. It was originally no design. But they put little flower stamps all over the diaper. Which looks kinda cute and simple. I love them a lot.
Price: $0.29 if you buy it @ wal-mart, $0.34 amazon

3. Huggies Little Movers This is okay diaper if you are using during the daytime.

Absorbency: Good
Leakage: little from the side
Design: cute
Price: $0.29

4. Pampers Swaddler Sensitive Oh, I loved this one a lot. I mean literally a lot until my baby was using size 2. There's indicator so you know when she need to change.However, they mixed cruiser and swaddler from size 3. So there's no indicator and the absorbency is not as great as size N,1, or 2.

Absorbency: okay
Leakage: yes, yes, yes. There's blowout too. a lot.
Design: cute until size 2.
Price: $0.34

5. Pampers Baby Dry I haven't used this diaper until a friend of mine gave me a box of this. Her daughter is 3 month older than mine. And she's been using this one from the birth and she doesn't have any problem with because I guess she is a formula baby. Since my daughter is a breastfed baby, she had lots of problems with this diaper.

Absorbency: poor
Leakage: yes. blowout worst ever
Design: cute, suitable for baby. sesame street charters on the front and cute clouds on the back.
Price: $0.20

6. Luvs worst diaper ever. This is mimicking version of Pampers Baby Dry.

Absorbency: very poor
Leakage: yes. They said money back guaranteed for leakage. But there was leakage from the side and blowout from the back. I am very upset.
Design: sucks
Price: $0.22

7. Huggies Pure and Natural I used a box of newborn as soon as my Haylynn was born. This is one of the greatest diaper ever but really pricey.

Absorbency: good
Leakage: almost none. little bit from the side
Design: Simple and cute; pooh on the front and the back
Price: $0.46

8. Seventh Generation It is eco friendly diapers that has all functions of diaper but worst blowout ever.

Absorbency: good
Leakage: little bit from the side. blowout from the back. Worst ever.
Design: not very good. just yellowish plastic back-like
Price: $0.34

So, I've decided to go with Huggies overnites during the night and Little movers during the day.
And of course I will do carry Nature baby care when we go out.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Thank you Wonjung Imo

18 days old Haylynn wearing what Wonung Imo bought for her 9 month ago. Thank you aunt Wonjung. (Korean: Imo=이모=異母=Aunt)

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Haylynn Hasol Lee

12 days old Haylynn

Monday, July 12, 2010

Haylynn Hasol Lee

July 8th, 2010. My precious Haylynn Hasol Lee was born.
Haylynn I love you from bottom of my heart. Can't even express with a word how much I love you.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

8 days left

I would like to pat myself on the back. It has been 39 weeks as I have lived as a mother, wife, student, and a teacher, and I did pretty well. I should be proud of myself but now I am scared.

First of all, I am facing to new era of my life, and I know being a parent and its following responsibilities are quite overwhelmed.

Second of all, I am also so hesitating for what I should do for future. I've always wanted to be a MD and Medical missionary, however, now what? I am a mother and wife, can't pursuit my own goal. I should be able to picture that I and my family can make it together. Time to sacrifice for family as a responsible grownup. Actually, more than that, I think I am scared to be faced to patient who really needs help. I am not ready. I mean, I am not mature enough to be a doctor who gives help unconditionally. Honestly, I am lack of everything to be a doctor. Oh well, okay. More honestly though, I am more interested in working in the lab. I did not realize that I am more like lab person.

Lastly but not least, I would like to study more............
But what about my family?? hmm

Yeah, I am so hesitating and confusing where I should add step forward.

Saturday, May 15, 2010



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Haylynn's 3D picture

우리 딸 넘 이쁘다^-^
She's smiling.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Amazing Grace

Friday, March 19, 2010



Friday, February 5, 2010


金が圧待てないのが私の背たって。。doesn't even make sense.
Then just wait until I cook. If you are tired, then you must understand others get tired too.
Only because of the fact that you are making money you think you are all that. You think you are the only one that sacrifies for family?!! huh, hell no!! I sacrificed my future, I turned off what I've dreamt ever since I was 3. What about my life and all the interests? Why should I give up everything? Why only me? You don't have right to say that. Your attitute as a Fathter and husband is wrong. You said, I am always fingerpointing. Hell no. look at you. You acts like you are always right. This isn't related to how mature you are or how many years you have been in the real world. This is about what your human quality is. I don't shift my attitute whenever my feeling are changed. If you think you are that mature person, just shut up and think what would be happened next when you are being crabby to others.

Friday, January 29, 2010

ホタルの光,Hotaru no hikari, 호타루의 빛

I've been really lazy and being a sleepyhead. I think I am sleeping at least 10 hours a day except nap. Unlike other pregnant women, I barely eat. Because, in my imagination, ever since I was little, pregnant woman eat like gigant gorillar or pig, I assumed and humbbly embraced that I would be same. I feel hunger much frequently than ever, so I eat ( technically having a meal) 4~6 times a day. However, I am not, (actually can't) having huge meal every time.
Literally, Eating, sleeping, watching movie or TV shows(Korea, Japanese, America, and etc.) is all about my life lately. I know I feel so imcompetence because I am not doing any fruitful thing now-a-days. I just feel like I am so worthless whenever I see super women like working mom and working pregnant women... But oh well, I am vulnerable I feel tired so easily.
Oaky, I will cut the shit. Even though I got over morning sickness, I freaked out myself sometime because I am so sensitive and being so nerdy. I know it's because of hormone changes.
And it goes out of my way to bring up a matter that human body is so amazing and God is even more wonderous and amazing. I remember from my MCB 120L Biochemistry Lab class, 3 years ago, how hormones are reacted and and gives huge changes in our body with such a small amount. (ah akkkkkkk, It was so helpful and imformative class but 6 hour all standing lab was horrible to remember. legs were alway sore and empty stomack makes me sick because my lab partner's empty stomack causes 똥내 from his mous. kekeke...)
Anyhow, I finished hotaru no hikari last week. I usually watch Japanese TV show after checking the rating few weeks after they started broad cast. I remember rating of 'hotaru no hikari' was pretty good. I don't remember why I didn't watch this. I was somewhat old one. Anyhow.....
As I was seeing her in the drama, I really thought that's just like me except all the messes around her room and everwhere elses she goes. And even before I was married, I barely went out and was so lazy to hang out with friend. Didn't like to put makeup on, didn't want to dress up especially during the winter. hehe. And now, I am pregnant, I am more getting closer to her. She frequently says, "家が一番”, which means, 'Staying home is the best.' And I was just suprised that's exactly what I am saying all the time.
I don't wanna be "乾物女”but I am yearning such a peaceful life. でも、私もジャージーがすきだも。